
An Old Preacher’s Reflection of September 11, 2001

An Old Preacher’s Reflection of September 11, 2001 September 11, 2019 An Old Preacher’ reflection on the attacks on our country on September 11, 2001 This morning as I work in my study with TV news on, keeping an eye on the memorial events around the country I reflect on that day 18 years ago.…

Las Vegas Shooting, The Churches Response

Las Vegas Shooting, The Churches Response Yesterday most of woke to the news of another mass shooting, this time in Las Vegas. As First Responders were still treating and securing victims, the casualty number kept growing. Before long it stood at greater than 50 dead and more than 500 physically wounded, thousands emotionally wounded. Stories…

My Response to the Parkland Shootings

My Response to the Parkland Shootings Evil visited Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14. That is perhaps the most overlooked fact of this event. It was not the gun that committed this horrific act, it was the evil in the heart of a young man who had been failed by…

Watching the Funeral of a Young Law Enforcement Officer

Watching the Funeral of a Young Law Enforcement Officer Today I watched the funeral of a local young Police Officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty, Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller. As a 30 plus year Law Enforcement Officer, I have witnessed way too many of these funerals. With tears streaming down my…